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Managing Corporate Competencies in a Group Memory System using Ontologies

The Research

The main vision of a Corporate Memory System is the definition of a computer system that captures a company's accumulated knowledge assets and makes them available to others. The management of corporate memories involves a coherent set of activities that leads to the definition of a comprehensive corporate memory system. The methodological approach applied by K-Now relies on a cross-disciplinary investigation that includes knowledge engineering techniques, ontologies, semantic data modelling, software engineering and database techniques.

The immediate aim was to develop a prototype of a Group Memory System (GMS) to support project team members' activities and the knowledge dissemination between them. A group memory can be interpreted as an Corporate Memory instantiation.

The Findings

The empirical work, developed in a target organization, involved practical research on project team management systems through the design and prototypal development of a group memory system (GMS). The main goal of the GMS artefact was the enhancement of corporate teamwork effectiveness. For this purpose, this system will relied upon an intranet access model.

The conceptual level of this framework is the Group Memory (GMe) Ontology. The main role of the GMe Ontology is the creation of a shared conceptualization in order to act as a communication medium between group members and software applications. Consequently, this ontology is intended to support structurally and dynamically the group knowledge representation in order to enable a common understanding (consensual knowledge) about shared purposes, clear roles and competencies, and a model for decision

Presentations and publications associated with this research

J. Vasconcelos, F.R. Gouveia, C. Kimble and D. Kudenko. Reasoning in Corporate Memory Systems: A Case Study of Group Competencies. 15 Years of Knowledge Management. J. F. Schreinemakers and T. M. v. Engers. Würzburg, Germany, Ergon. 3, 2007. ISBN:
J. Vasconcelos and C. Kimble. An Ontology-Based Competence Management Model to Support Collaborative Working and Organisational Learning. Online and Distance Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. L. A. Tomei. Hershey, PA, USA, Information Science Reference. 5, 2007. ISBN:
J. Vasconcelos and C. Kimble. An Ontology Based Competence Management Model to Support Collaborative Working and Organisational Learning. Competencies in Organizational E-Learning: Concepts and Tools. S. Miguel-Angel. Hershey (USA)/London (UK), Idea Group Publishing, pp 253 - 269, 2006. ISBN:
J. Vasconcelos, P.C. Seixas, P.G. Lemos and C. Kimble. Knowledge Management in Non-Governmental Organisations: A Partnership for the Future. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2005), (May 2005), Miami, USA, INSTICC, 2005, pp. 17 - 26. ISBN:
J. Vasconcelos, C. Kimble and Ã. Rocha. Ontologies and the Dynamics of Organisational Environments: An example of a Group Memory System for the Management of Group Competencies. Proceedings I-KNOW'03, (July 2003), Graz, Austria, 2003a. ISBN:
J. Vasconcelos, C. Kimble and Ã. Rocha. Organisational Memory Information Systems: An Example of a Group Memory System for the Management of Group Competencies. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 9(12), 2003b, pp. 1410 - 1427. ISSN:
J. Vasconcelos, F.R. Gouveia and C. Kimble. An Organizational Memory Information System using Ontologies. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of the Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação (CAPSI 2002), (November 2002), Coimbra, Portugal, 2002. ISBN:
J. Vasconcelos, F.R. Gouveia, C. Kimble and D. Kudenko. Reasoning in Corporate Memory Systems: A Case Study of Group Competencies. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Management of Industrial and Corporate Knowledge (ISMICK01), Compiègne, France, BUTC, 2001, pp. 243 - 253. ISBN:
J. Vasconcelos, C. Kimble, F.R. Gouveia and D. Kudenko. A Group Memory System for Corporate Knowledge Management: An Ontological Approach. Proceedings of 1st European Conference on Knowledge Management, (October 2000), Bled, Slovenia, MCIL, 2000a, pp. 91 - 99. ISBN:
J. Vasconcelos, C. Kimble and F.R. Gouveia. A Design for a Group Memory System using Ontologies. Proceedings of 5th UKAIS Conference, Cardiff, Wales, McGraw Hill, 2000b, pp. 246 - 255. ISBN:

Ongoing work

José has now returned to Portugal where he still continues to write papers.

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